Consorzio S3LOG, Italy (S3LOG)
Consorzio S3LOG, Italy (S3LOG)

The S3Log Consortium is an Italian Company established in Italy (OCCAR Member State) on July 14th, 2004, joining the outstanding expertise of the most referenced Italian Companies in the field of IT applications and services supporting the security and logistic process. Today the Consortium is therefore represented by SELEX SI (a Finmeccanica Company) and VITROCISET. S3Log is a leader Company, able to identify and integrate the best-of-breed technologies to meet and overcome the technical, logistic, operational and financial requirements of the project; a Company able to work flexibly with international Customers and Partners, involving them all in each step of the Project thanks to a systematic problem solving approach; a Company expert in the most advanced project management techniques, to guarantee the best trade-off in the ratio “timeliness-costs-quality”; a Company not only able to provide complex systems and outstanding expertise, but also to integrate technology and skills to transform a project into a success story, providing an effective turn-key solutions, in a strategic project for future support to many different Programs. The Consortium develops and markets IT systems and services in connection with logistics, administration and management activities for all Italian Defence Ministry Unit operations, in addition to logistic support systems and services for the vehicles and equipment used by other government entities, including the Guardia di Finanza (tax-fraud police) and the Police Force. The Consortium coordinates the activities of its members during both bidding and contract execution, and specifically in connection with Program Management, System Engineering and Design Authority responsibilities.
Role in the Project: In SMART S3LOG will contribute on the basis of its expertise in sensors, sensor data processing, data fusion algorithms and integration techniques. S3LOG has vast experience in dealing with multiple sensors and sensor networks (mainly in security and defence environments). Based on this experience it will engage in sensor modelling, as well as filtering and processing of non-A/V sensor streams. S3LOG will lead the SMART Edge Server integration activities in WP4. S3LOG will lead the integration activities of the project (WP6), where it will also integrate the security and surveillance use case. S3LOG will also engage in specifications and evaluation processes, mainly from the integrator’s perspective, while also contributing to the reusable mashups activity in WP5.
Dr. Walter MATTA received the Dr.Ing. Degree in Electrical Engineering (with onours) and the Professional Engineer Certificate respectively in February and May 1994, both from the University of Cagliari, Italy. His thesis was published in an international journal. After two experiences as Researcher of two-years duration each one at CNR (Italian National Research Council) and University of Cagliari, he has been employed by VITROCISET S.p.A. since 1997, mainly focused in the experimentation of avionic and missile systems at the Experimental Test Range of “Salto di Quirra” (Sardinia), playing a key role in all upgrade, modernization and innovation projects, covering positions of increasing responsibility (Team Leader, Project Leader, Project Manager). From February 2004 to March 2010, he has held the position of Client Manager and subsequently International Organizations Area Manager , affiliated with Defence & Homeland Security Direction based in Rome, as responsible for international business development for Defence (i.e.: EDA, NATO, ..) end Security (i.e.: European Commission, Frontex, ..). Since April 2010, he is the Head of Corporate R&D. His main tasks includef: definition and implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA); management of the relations with International Organizations (European Commission, Frontex, EDA, NATO), Italian Ministries (Ministry of University and Research, Ministry of Economic Development) and Local Administrations for all R&D aspects; manage the technological transfer from academic and research community to S3LOG Production Units; general coordination of all Technology Platforms and Scientific Consortiums; general coordination of all R&D funded programs, from proposing/contracting to final implementation and industrial exploitation. Currently, he is Principal Investigator of several EU and Italian projects. Furthermore, he is an independent (accredited) expert of:
- Italian Ministry of Economic Development for Technological Innovation (Command & Control and Security).
- EDA R&T CapTechs: IAP2 (RF Sensors & Signal Processing), IAP3 (Optical Sensor System & Signal Processing), IAP4 ( CIS & Networks), ESM2 (Aerial Systems).
- NIAG (NATO Industrial Advisor Group) for command & control and infrastructure protection.
- Guru Group of QSTP (Qatar Science & Technology Park)
Dr. Alessio BUCAIONI received the Dr. Degree in Computer Science at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His main experiences are the following: RETIS Spa (2001-2002):
CPS Project: Java Developer (EJB) for a Framework to build Web Sites. • Development of the Security Integration Module through the use of SW Certificates SSL Version 3 • Test Manager for Black and White Box testing through the RUP using Rational Test Manager Tool • Design via UML (Use Case, Class Diagram, Sequence and Interaction Diagrams, Deployment Diagram, Activity Diagrams) of some SW Modules CEI / SAT2000 (2001/2002): • Development as consultant of the following projects: SAT Manager: Web application for an Italian Network EDC Tool: Web Application for documentation workflow and management Gestionale Biblioteca: Web application for a library management Caritas Torino: Web application on support of a distributed net of organisation spread through Italy VITROCISET (2002- Up to now): • SiLEF Project: Design and SW Configuration Management of the SW for Logistics of EF2000 • SLIP 2 Project: SW Design and Development Manager of one Web Application for ENAC organisation (Civil Avionic Organisation) • AMX Integration : Design for Integrating SiLEF with Italian Air Force Support Tools VITROCISET (from January 2004 up to now, located in Munich): • Project Manager for the development with a Consortium of companies from Spain(EADS-CASA), UK (EDS) and Germany (Data Warehouse Gmbh) of the Reference Data Management System an International Weapon System in support of Reference Data Collection and Management for Eurofighter Typhoon. • Support to Eurofighter in: Engine Reference Data definition with EuroJet Reference Data Procedures (DMP 4.1 Data Management Procedure) definition • Design and Definition for RDMS Interface to ESS (including PSP upgrades) • Design and Definition for RDMS Interface to Mission Support System • Design and Definition for RDMS Interface to United Kingdom NADPITS (LITS) through a series of meeting in Wyton, Coningsby and Bristol (United Kingdom) • Design and Definition for RDMS Interface to Italian NADPITS (SiLEF) • Program Manager for the End-To-End Service of IERS and IWSSS Environment within Eurofighter Facilities. Since 2006 he is working for the Consorzio S3LOG.