Twitter Noun Frequency Demo
Twitter Noun Frequency Demo
The goal of this application is to demonstrate how data stemming from social networks can be utilized within SMART to enable participatory sensing.
To use this demo, a keyword or a hashtag must be provided as an argument for a Twitter query. Then by filtering the words within the retrieved tweets, a noun histogram is created. The terms that appear more frequently are presented either as a histogram or within a 3D spherical tag cloud as hyperlinks, that the users can click to initiate a new search. The font size of each tag within the cloud, depends on the appearance frequency of the noun it represents, thus nouns with higher appearance frequency have larger font sizes. Each popular noun can also be considered to be more relevant to the user request. Note that as time goes by, the tags that appear within the cloud for each input keyword will change, depending on the content that Twitter users post.
Click here to access the demo!